Vagmon e-Grup & Logistics Ltd



Are you shipping to Nigeria? One of my articles focused on the number of cargo clearance and handling steps from the supplier’s warehouse to the Freight Forwarder’s warehouse. In addition, to the origin port, and all the way to the destination port at the destination country – Nigeria.

That article shows clearly that every commercial shipment to Nigeria undergoes some clearing steps. Thus, shipping comes after export haulage, shipping documentation, export cargo clearance, origin handling and freight forwarding. What was the conclusion? Importers, exporters and even forwarders need understand all steps and the cost implications therein. Therefore, before shipping all parties should ensure workable agreement is in place. In this way, they will avoid pleasant surprises.

As a continuation, current article will explain in detail the destination (Nigeria) cargo clearance and handling.


SHIPPING TO NIGERIA: Destination Custom Clearance

The Clearing Agent proceeds to let the Custom Authority and affiliated Government Agencies know what is in the shipment. It is what some call import customs clearance or just Clearance for brief. The Customs Clearance Vendor works with concerned parties to generate and vet clearing documents. Then, the Clearing Agent will use the documents to process Pre-Arrival Assessment Report, Single Goods Declaration (SGD), and Assessment Notice.

Normally, scanned copies of documents are enough to initiate clearance process before cargo reaches destination. It is best to complete reasonable clearance steps before cargo enters Nigeria. Cargo has entered Nigeria as soon as it crosses the border and leaves a Customs bonded area.

Depending on the shipping terms, the consignee or importer pays for the services of the clearance vendor. Clearance Vendor fee is quite different from the Custom Duty payable to the state. Usually paid by the consignee or importer to the Nigerian Customs Agency on behalf of the Nigerian Government, for the goods imported into Nigeria.


SHIPPING TO NIGERIA: Further Cargo Handling at the Destination

Destination handling usually comes in the form of local transportation of the cargo or container to the importer. Alternatively, cargo can move to a predetermined storage warehouse. The importer usually pays for this process called import haulage. For Delivered Duty paid (DDP) terms, the importer has no extra haulage charge to pay. Export Haulage is often the case because the terms are mostly C&F, CIF or Free-On-Board. In my next article, I will explain what these terms mean in the Nigerian context.

In Conclusion:

For shipping to Nigeria, import cargo clearance could commence as soon as shipped. The clearance process is fastest if vendor requests for shipping documents as early. Thus, certain steps commences even before goods arrive Nigeria. Finally, contact us today for ease of handling your imports and exports.

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